G7 Summit in Biarritz (24 to 26 August 2019) [fr] [中文]

The leaders’ Summit will be held in Biarritz, from 24 to 26 August 2019. It is the highlight of the French “Group of 7” (G7) Presidency, which has put the fight against inequality at the heart of its work.

The Group of 7 or G7 is an informal meeting between France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada as well as the European Union. These world powers, which represent 50% of the global economy, also share the values of freedom and democracy, as well as a collective ambition to deal with the world’s major issues.

In a new format, the Biarritz Summit is involving partner countries, especially African countries, and key players from civil society, to provide shared answers and concrete responses to fight all forms of inequality.

Fighting inequality, a priority for the French G7 Presidency

Fighting inequality is a question of justice. It also requires an urgent response to regain citizens’ confidence in the international governance system.

To fight inequality, the French G7 Presidency has set itself five priorities:

  • Fighting inequality of opportunity, promoting in particular gender equality and access to education and high-quality health services;
  • Reducing environmental inequality by protecting our planet through climate finance and a just ecological transition, based on preserving biodiversity and the oceans;
  • Taking action for peace, against security threats and terrorism which weaken the foundations of our societies;
  • Tapping into the opportunities created by digital technology and artificial intelligence in an ethical and human-oriented way;
  • Renewing a more equal partnership with Africa.

G7 priorities

A renewed format for the G7

As the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, stressed in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2018, “the time when a club of rich countries could alone define the world’s balances is long gone.”

The French G7 Presidency is therefore the opportunity, in 2019, to change the group format. Throughout the year, several French ministers have therefore organized working meetings with their G7 counterparts, and invited partner countries including Egypt, Mali and Mexico to take part.

The President invited the following to the Biarritz G7 Summit:

  • Four partner countries, involved in protecting and promoting democratic freedoms and with a major regional influence: Australia, Chile, India and South Africa;
  • Five African partners to create a partnership on an equal footing with this continent of the future: Burkina Faso, Senegal, Rwanda and South Africa, and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki;
  • Key representatives of civil society committed to the French G7 Presidency engagés dans la présidence française du G7.

A renewed format for the G7

An environmentally responsible G7 committed to gender equality

In accordance with its fundamental objectives, the French G7 Presidency wished for the Biarritz Summit and the ministers meetings in the run-up to the summit to reflect the dual imperative of fighting gender equality and preserving the environment.

This desire is evidenced by:

An environmentally responsible G7 committed to gender equality

publié le 21/08/2019

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