Mr. Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the French President for the United Nations Ocean Conference, French Ambassador for the Ocean and the Poles came to visit Hong Kong

Mr. Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the French President for the United Nations Ocean Conference, French Ambassador for the Ocean and the Poles was in Hong Kong this week!


Mr. Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the French President for the United Nations Ocean Conference, French Ambassador for the Ocean and the Poles was in Hong Kong this week!

He took the opportunity of this visit to meet the Commissioner for Maritime and Port Development, Ms Amy Chan, and the group Managing Director of Hutchison Ports, Mr Eric Ip. Ambassador Poivre d’Arvor discussed with them the upcoming UN Ocean Conference to be held in France in June 2025 as well as two major events taking place in this framework: one dedicated to all the world’s major players in maritime transport and port infrastructures and another bringing together major coastal cities and regions threatened by rising sea levels and the effects of climate change.

While the ocean plays an important part in tackling global warming, CO2 emissions – overexploitation of resources and pollution have been degrading marine ecosystems for several decade and the ocean may see its role as a climate regulator disrupted. It is therefore urgent to take actions to protect our oceans!

We are proud to take the opportunity of this visit to officially announce the launch of the 5th edition of the French Science Festival in Hong Kong from the 4th to the 14th of October: “Oceans of Knowledge”! We have prepared many activities for your to dive into the topic of oceans and to better understand this abyssal, vast but tremendously important aquatic space! Stay tuned to learn more about the programme.


publié le 23/08/2024

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