Fourth Paris Peace Forum [fr]

Launched in 2018, the Paris Peace Forum brings together Heads of State, international organizations, civil society and the private sector. They will meet from 11 to 13 November 2021, to find tangible solutions to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and identify a path to better governance in the era of COVID-19.

The Paris Peace Forum contributes to the momentum launched by French President Emmanuel Macron to reaffirm the importance of multilateralism and collective action. It is built around three pillars:

  • Objectives: encouraging international cooperation and collective action for a peaceful world;
  • Approaches: presentations, discussions and progress on innovative, real-world solutions;
  • Ambitions: enhancing, rethinking or creating new rules, standards and best practices.

  • The fourth Paris Peace Forum will focus on the objective of a more inclusive recovery and will put forward initiatives to better handle global challenges and global public goods.

80 projects selected for 2021

Each year, governance projects proposing tangible solutions to global challenges are hosted in the Space for Solutions at the Forum, and they are discussed in debates. The Call for Projects was opened in March 2021 and received hundreds of proposals from all types of stakeholders including NGOs, companies, international organizations, States and local governments.

The responses to this fourth call for projects confirm the role of the Forum as a major player in international coordination, as almost 60% of the proposals chosen by the Selection Committee are implemented on several continents simultaneously.

In 2021, the Paris Peace Forum will continue to put the global South at the heart of its actions by supporting nearly 30 projects targeting Africa, South America, South Asia and the Middle East.

They address a wide range of issues, such as:

  • gender equality,
  • global health governance,
  • protecting the space environment,
  • the climate emergency,
  • safeguarding the oceans,
  • fighting fake news and threats to the press,
  • artificial intelligence and its regulation,
  • strengthening cyber security for all,
  • protecting civic space in the COVID-19 era,
  • reforming capitalism through the impact economy,
  • strengthening South-South cooperation.

Discover the 2021 Selected Projects

Visit the Paris Peace Forum website

publié le 02/11/2021

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